Ascend The Hill with Jeremy Austill
All about going deeper. You'll be able to hear sermons by Pastor Jeremy Austill of Cornerstone Nashville, and the follow up podcast taking an in depth look at relevant topics, theology, and more surrounding each sermon.
331 episodes
Zip the Lip | James Week 6 | MIDWEEK | March 5, 2025
One of the greatest forces that God has given us is found in the tongue. This instrument is inconsistent, however it is also a point of possibility. May we utilize our tongue to be people of blessing and kingdom expansion.

Love One Another | My People Week 2 | March 2, 2025
There is one specific way that the world will know that we follow Christ, and that He is our Lord. It isn't how charitable we are, or how much money we give... It's in how we love one another that we show we are His disciples. Here's how!

Gather, Motivate, Stir Up, Provoke, Encourage | My People Week 1 | February 23, 2025
This week we dove into Hebrews to look at the importance and benefits of gathering together. We gather so that we can stir one another out of stagnancy, so that we are provoked to action, so we are incited in our missions against darkness.

Pride and Prejudice | James Week 5 | MIDWEEK | February 12, 2025
We must be careful in the church to not have favorites. In James chapter two, we are warned about offering favoritism to people. As a part of the church, we are called to a higher calling in how we treat people we interact with. We are part of ...

Send Me | I Saw The Lord Week 5 | February 16, 2025
The final part of the story of Isaiah culminates with a call to all people. It's the call each of us as Christians have from God each and every day. The Lord is looking for willing people. That when God asks, "Who will go?" we would answer, "se...

Unclean? | Ascend The Hill with Jeremy Austill | EP 102
Today we look at the implications of living holy lives. Lives that aren't unclean, but are righteous before the Lord. How can we do that? What about legalism? Here's how we can live holy for the Lord!
Season 1
Episode 102

The Coal | I Saw The Lord Week 4 | February 9, 2025
In Isaiah this week we dive into recognizing that this is a time of humbling and repentance. Jesus is the coal, taken from the altar of sacrifice, that cleanses us of our sins. And, we will be a people with the posture of humility, contrition, ...

Holy, Holy, Holy | I Saw The Lord Week 3 | February 2, 2025
In Isaiah’s vision of heaven, he watches as strange, angelic beings proclaim a declaration to the Lord. Their response and song is an example of how we too should respond to God’s greatness, holiness, and glory.

From Information to Revelation | Ascend The Hill with Jeremy Austill | EP 101
As we dive deeper into the message from Sunday, we look at the important moments in the story in Isaiah 6. The Prophet's response to seeing the Lord, what it means for us today, and how we can take it from information to revelation of who God i...

The Train of His Robe | I Saw The Lord Week 2 | January 26, 2025
In Isaiah's description of what he saw in Isaiah 6, he adds an interesting descriptor. He tells us about how the train of God's robe fills the temple. What was significant about this detail? The answer to that stirs our faith for our victorious...

Seated On A Throne | I Saw The Lord Week 1 | January 19, 2025
The prophet Isaiah had a profound encounter with God in Isaiah chapter 6. Within the first few words of his encounter is deep truth of who God is, and who He should be in our lives. Who is on the throne of your heart? Have you surrendered it to...

Opportunity for Joy | James Week 1 | MIDWEEK | January 08, 2025
This is the start of our Wednesday series diving deeper into the book of James. The opening of this book reminds us to have joy in every circumstance. Yet, when difficulty hits us, it's hard to find joy in the middle of a negative situation. We...

Life After A Fast | Day Twenty-One | 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting | January 2025
Welcome to day TWENTY-ONE of our 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting. Today we talk about debriefing our journey of fasting over the past three weeks. What did you experience? How can you carry these lessons forward in your life? It’s time to celebra...

Positioning With Praise | Day Twenty | 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting | January 2025
Welcome to day TWENTY of our 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting. Praise is profound in spiritual warfare. When you’re facing insurmountable odds, focusing on praise can be the key to walking in victory or wallowing in defeat. A perfect biblical exam...

Living By The Spirit | Day Nineteen | 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting | January 2025
Welcome to day NINETEEN of our 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting. Our flesh fights with us constantly. Our fleshly desires, sinful desires, attempt to lead us away from Christ. Even so, the hope in Christ is that we are free from the grip of sin, a...

Steps of Faith | Ascend The Hill with Jeremy Austill | EP 100
In today's episode we talk about steps of faith, trusting God, and pursuing dreams. When God has put something on your heart, what should be our response? How should we pursue dreams and also wait on God? Today we talk all about faith and dream...
Season 1
Episode 100

Teamwork | Day Eighteen | 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting | January 2025
Welcome to day EIGHTEEN of our 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting. In a world that finds value in independence, believers are called to live together in community. This spiritual life was meant to be done together as a team. When we fall, having a s...

Fasting As Family | Day Seventeen | 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting | January 2025
Welcome to day SEVENTEEN of our 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting. It’s not too late to fast, even for your kids! Did you know that teaching kids biblical principles now can set them up for spiritual success in the future? Today we talk about how i...

Rhythm of Prayer | Day Sixteen | 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting | January 2025
Welcome to day SIXTEEN of our 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting. Consistency in prayer is a necessity for building a life of faith. Rather than it being a last resort, by making it a priority, we can position ourselves for God to move in our lives....

Relationships | Day Fifteen | 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting | January 2025
Welcome to day FIFTEEN of our 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting. Everyday we deal in relationship. Whether it's with God or each other, how we navigate them can help us be successful, or hurt us. In this fasting season, it’s important to remember t...

Being WITH Christ | Day Fourteen | 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting | January 2025
Welcome to day FOURTEEN of our 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting. Life can be crazy, but as we learn in the story of the transfiguration, it’s all worth it when we are with Christ. Having the presence of the Lord in your life is a powerful way of p...

But I Feel… | Day Thirteen | 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting | January 2025
Welcome to day THIRTEEN of our 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting. God has given us feelings, and they can be a beautiful aspect of life. Yet, feelings can be misleading in our life. In today’s devotional we discuss how to biblically approach our fe...

Victory | Ascend The Hill with Jeremy Austill | EP 099
In today's podcast we discuss the path to victory and breakthrough. The way we get to breakthrough is not only through prayer, but through the example set in the story of King David from this past Sunday's sermon. When we follow what Christ say...
Season 1
Episode 99

What do you want? | Day Twelve | 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting | January 2025
Welcome to day TWELVE of our 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting. Often in times of prayer and fasting we are asking things from God. Yet, in James, we understand that we should have the proper focus in our prayers. What you pray for and why you are ...

Sacrifice | Day Eleven | 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting | January 2025
Welcome to day ELEVEN of our 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting. Sacrifice is integral to a time of fasting. In the Bible, we learn the importance of offering our lives as a living sacrifice unto the Lord. This act of spiritual worship honors the Lo...